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BANALE – 2 in 1 TOOTHBRUSH – 有種品味叫米蘭
總部位於意大利米蘭的設計品牌BANALE,最近在多個歐洲以及法國巴黎著名的M&O設計展中以其ICONIC 產品TOOTHBRUSH 獲得空前成功而聲名大噪。
該產品的時尚2合1(牙刷加牙膏)設計能隨意放進口袋,輕便攜帶到世任何角落。牙膏以mini pump 集成在產品身上,無需打開和擠壓,只要按下按鈕並在秒間準備就緒, 刷頭加牙膏都能以補充裝更換,非常環保 。品牌堅持每一件產品都在意大利製造,必成為新一代潮人集TRAVEL 丶TO GO及REUSE 概念一身的潮物。
BANALE, based in Milan Italy, is gaining overwhelming success in recent M&O fair in Paris with its iconic product, the TOOTHBRUSH .
The product’s stylish 2 in1 design is projected to be carried wherever in compact and pocketable manner. A toothpaste mini pump is integrated into the body, no need to open and squeeze a toothpaste tube. Just push the button of the mini pump directly on the bristles and ready in seconds,
Both toothpaste and bristles are replaceable with its recharge pack. Every single product is proudly made in Italy, capturing the soul of every urban hipper with its TRAVEL ,TOGO & REUSE concepts.